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Scale new Heights by Driving Automation in Trade Finance

PodcastOctober 9, 2020


  • Satish Saini, Hexaware Technologies
  • Sameer Sehgal – Traydstream

Efficiency and hard work are not enough to combat disruptions, but efficient transformations and smart automations are the game changers and the need of the hour. Trade finance is hampered by processes being paper based, poor connectivity and lack of proper collaboration leading to less efficiency and poor customer experiences in the trade landscape. Modernization, smart processes and gadgets and trade finance process automation are not being implemented across or being utilized to the full.

In a podcast we catch the practioner’s viewpoint shared by Sameer Sehgal, CEO Traydstream, an organization comprising of IT and trade consultants specializing in trade solutions.  We discuss insightful topics and trade strategies for powering trade with technology to make processes as paperless with trade finance document automation and discuss how trade finance automation helps provide pleasant customer experiences. Discussion focus points include challenges faced like:

  • Unstructured and non-standardized data, broken processes and complex conversions
  • Too many rules and regulations to be tracked in the world of trade finance
  • Varied enterprises with different setups, some automated and others with bare minimal automation
  • Tax rules, different trade laws, compliances and processes to be followed and more

Know how global trade finance is being affected and how its ramping up to face the pandemic slump. What are the solutions and remote processing options available for corporates, the scope for simplification of process complexities, how to overcome operating capacity disruptions, facilitating remote working, expediting the processes and more.

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