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Neil Fox in an informative chat with Purvee Kondal, Senior Director, Globality on ‘How Effective Procurement Can Impact Businesses’

PodcastMay 22, 2020

COVID-19 has evoked disruptions in every organizational sector and the procurement industry is no exception. The sudden crisis has led the industry to realize how an effective and stabilized procurement team can help organizations stay afloat during unanticipated circumstances.

In this podcast, Neil Fox, CTO at Hexaware, chats with Purvee Kondal, Senior Director – Technical Services at Globality, on how leading organizations in the IT industry have helped them connect with service suppliers who have immense product knowledge and offer operational efficiency and value for money, thereby strengthening trust. They discuss why organizations should focus on evolving from a supplier-customer relationship to a strategic partner relationship. The discussion also revolves around the positive impact of Artificial Intelligence and Natural Language Processing algorithm on resourcing and relevant data gathering.

Listen to the Podcast to know:

  • The role of procurement in commodities
  • Effective techniques that help derive value for the organization
  • The need to elevate your partners
  • How has procurement adapted to the changes in terms of agility and flexibility of contracts and relationships with suppliers

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